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Pre and Post Pandemic work on Traffic Calming in Adderbury

Posted 202 weeks ago (11/06) by Theresa Goss

The Environment Committee, made up of both Parish Councillors and an enthusiastic group of villagers, including one with specialised knowledge, have spent a considerable amount of time over the last year, working closely with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), Thames Valley Police (TVP)and the wider public, to create a comprehensive, sensible programme of traffic calming projects throughout Adderbury.
A report was submitted to Adderbury Parish Council in October 2019, which was approved and can be viewed on the PC website.
Following on from this the Environment Committee and a dedicated group of village members have started to implement these projects.
Pre Pandemic
Community Speedwatch
Several speed watch teams have been established in different parts of the village.
With a generous grant from OCC, via County Councillor Arash Fatemian, the Parish Council have been able to purchase a TVP recommended stand alone speed camera.
The teams have used this device to log in excess of 100 significant offenders.
Offender details are passed to TVP, as a result approximately 100 letters have been sent out by TVP.
TVP welcome this traffic data as it can also be used to highlight other issues, such as no insurance, no road tax or MOT. They will of course follow up on such issues.
Again working closely with OCC,' the first new signs are now in place.
They remind road users of the village speed limits and of the presence of speed detectors.
This has been coupled with refreshed and enhanced road markings aimed at reinforcing the speed limits and reducing unsafe overtaking.
Post Pandemic
A new gateway is proposed on the Oxford Road, approaching from Deddington.
'Give and take' chicanes are proposed at the existing gateways on Milton and Berry Hill Roads, to significantly slow traffic prior to the housing on these roads.
Consultation is about to commence on restricting entry to the village at the Oak Tree.
Speed Watch will resume when safe to do so.

All material copyright Adderbury Parish Council 2024. Website by Pixel Concepts