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Parish Council Biodiversity Project for Adderbury.

Posted 225 weeks ago (02/01) by Theresa Goss

There has been a large amount of interest from residents in leaving areas of vegetation more natural to encourage increased bio-diversity. In response to this the Parish Council has agreed to a number of actions, which also comply with the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan’s Policies on bio-diversity:


  1. Some areas of grass verge will not be cut back, or only cut on the edges. This includes Lake Walk Green and the verge outside Tanners in Tanners Lane.
  2. It has been agreed with Cherwell District Council that the two amenity areas on Aynho Rd (Long Wall Close and Sydenham Close) will be managed to include wild flower areas. Long Wall Close grass will not be cut during the summer months to allow wild flowers to emerge and seed. The southern open space in Sydenham amenity area will be cleared of sycamore stumps during the winter and re-sown with meadow planting. It will be then be managed as a wild flower meadow.
  3. A number of small fruiting trees have been ordered under the Woodland Trust’s Urban tree project. The PC is working with Christopher Rawlins School staff and children to plan where these will be planted in the area used by the school next to Adderbury Court amenity area. The Adderbury WI is also involved in this tree planting project. The Council is also discussing planting some of these trees at the Rise.


If residents wish to make comments or be involved in this project, please contact the PC Clerk 

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